Page name: wanna be pumpkins [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-21 21:51:16
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
# of watchers: 22
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Wanna Be Pumpkins

Pumpkin Royalty

Queen :
Queen's sister : [Fallen Child Athena] 
Prince :
Princess : [Hereby Deleted] 
Chancellor : [Shatureel]
Chamberlain :  
Grand Duke : dark lord [skullhead]
Grand Duchess : 
Marquess of Pumpkin Land :
Marchioness of Pumpkin Land :
Earl of Pumpkin Land : Count
Countess :
Viscount : 
Viscountess : 
Baron :
Baroness : [playgirl_10]
Royal Flag Maker :

Pumpkin Castle Military

ROYAL GUARD : [crazycookie]
Dungeon Keeper : [DRACE] 
Executioner : [LittleAssassin]
Dragoons (Dragon Knights) : [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson]
_________ : [00000000000]
_________ :
_________ : [Monster Master]
Mage :

Pumpkin Castle Entertainers

Royal Pumkin DJ : [DeeJay™]
Castle Bard :
Castle Head Jesters :[kittykittykitty]
Castle Jesters :
_________ :
_________ :
_________ :
Mischievous Wanderer :
Official Royal Tiger :

Pumpkin Land Citizens

[Drake SC]
[davie_wonder00 (dude)]
[Music of the Night]
[Princess Of Rock]
[Prince Nightbourne]
[former user#5]
[Fallen Child Athena]
[¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]

If you wish to become a member of Pumpkin Land please send [Shatureel] a message with comment.

[Any member of the Royal Family that is missing from Elfpack more then 3 months will lose there Royal Title]


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Enter Pumpkin Castle
Vist the Royal Pumpkin Family
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Take your comments to Pumpkin Land Comments

Also Visit Dreamers/Believers

Rules : Story line must be 4 words. If you wish to talk make sure your messages are in brackets, or something, like DJ said.

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[Fallen Child Athena]: came and blew the

[DeeJay™]: carrot right up his . . .

[Shatureel]: left nostril and up.........

[kittykittykitty]: *sorry to interrupt* Why the change [honey bunny]? :(

[Fallen Child Athena]: into his brain and

[DeeJay™]: managed to dis-lodge a . . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: bullet in his leg

[DeeJay™]: which was rather strange . . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: but it had happened

[Shatureel]: when he chased the......

[DeeJay™]: right honourable gentleman of . .

[kittykittykitty]: the kingdom of spoons

[Fallen Child Athena]: into the land of

[devilock]: porcupines and peanuts, he.....

[DeeJay™]: didn't like that, and . . .

[Shatureel]: stopped to take a...........

[DeeJay™]: closer look at the . . .

[Shatureel]: Golden train on the..............

[DeeJay™]: little rail-road running down . .

[former user#2]: the hill side..... off-track!!!!

[Fallen Child Athena]: "oh shit" he said

[DeeJay™]: "that was my train!" . . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: He began to run

[DeeJay™]: after it, saying "stop! . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: "please stop i beg,

[DeeJay™]: "you! i left my . . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: giant teddy bear that

[DeeJay™]: could sing + dance! . . .

[kittykittykitty]: and my sandwiches in

[Fallen Child Athena]: my bag that is

[former user#2]: half open!" but the....

[former user#5]: train didn't listen. up

[DeeJay™]: went the speed dial . .

[former user#1]: and down went the

[Fallen Child Athena]: telephone that the contucter

[kittykittykitty]: put in his pants

[Shatureel]: when it lit on

[Fallen Child Athena]: fire. He began to

[DeeJay™]: scream uncontrollably as it . . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: ran up the hill

[Shatureel]: flames fanny up towards.........

[DeeJay™]: his brand new shirt . . .                          hehehe! he said 'fanny' *sniggers* :P

[Shatureel]: that turned a bright.........        hehehehe, he is a she

[DeeJay™]: yellow on impact with . . .              hehehehehe! it doesn't say what he/she is in his/her profile :P

[Shatureel]: blue and orange sparks........     Well now you know that he is a she. (-__-)

[Fallen Child Athena]: that hit his arm................(you people are strange)

[DeeJay™]: and flew out of . . .            i know, i know :)

[Dea]: the train window hitting...

[former user#2]: the girl with an... 

fanny? I KNOW! it's She-Man! "by the power of Gay-Skull...."

[honey bunny]: arm around the giant

[DeeJay™]: squid on the head . .

[Fallen Child Athena]: the spuid had a

[former user#2]: broken tentacle due to...

[Shatureel]: the fight with the.......

[DeeJay™]: large pink shoe, but . . .

[Shatureel]: it did not fit.............

[Fallen Child Athena]: in the man's pants

[Shatureel]: cause he was wearing..............

[Fallen Child Athena]: a meatle Guard protecting

[Shatureel]: his big toe that...........

[Fallen Child Athena]: was cut off and

[Shatureel]: placed on the top...........

[Fallen Child Athena]: of the

[Shatureel]: Rolled off and landed........

[Fallen Child Athena]: on the guy's nose

[Shatureel]: that was eating a..............

[Fallen Child Athena]: hotdog and chips that

[Shatureel]: was really spicy and..........

[Fallen Child Athena]: burned his tounge. He

[Shatureel]: tried to swallow a........

[Fallen Child Athena]: fly and it got

[DeeJay™]: caught up his mother's . . .

[Shatureel]: long dark wavy hair.......

[Fallen Child Athena]: He tried to pull

[Shatureel]: it out from the.........

[Fallen Child Athena]: floor but he spit

[Shatureel]: while chewing on the............

[Fallen Child Athena]: gumball he dropped on

[Shatureel]: top to the elephants...............

[Fallen Child Athena]: so he climbed up

[former user#2]: the wall and leaps....

[honey bunny]: Down into the hot

[Fallen Child Athena]: pot on the Giants

[Shatureel]: who roam the outskirts.........

[honey bunny]: and looked up at

[Fallen Child Athena]: the tree and saw

[Shatureel]: the broken branches leaning...............

[Fallen Child Athena]: towards him...he began

[Shatureel]: to climb up towards...........

[Fallen Child Athena]: the great big pot

[Shatureel]: that had his friend..............

[DeeJay™]: stuck in between two . . .

[Shatureel]: rocks that the locals..........

[Dea]: while a fierce dragon...

[Shatureel]: danced across the rooftops..........

[DeeJay™]: and showered the people . . .

[former user#2]: with rotten green peas!

[DeeJay™]: unfortunatly, the villagers liked . .

[Shatureel]: dragon meat and tried...........

[DeeJay™]: to kidnap it with . .

[honey bunny]: a giant lolly pop

[Shatureel]: that melted when it.........

[former user#4]: touches the fireflies. After

[DeeJay™]: that they were gonna . .

[Shatureel]: roast marshmellos and party...........

[honey bunny]: while listening to the

[Shatureel]: beat of the drums........

[DeeJay™]: while [DeeJay™] spins some . .

[Shatureel]: really funky music and.........

[former user#4]: slits [DRACE]Y's wrist..

[honey bunny]: and throws bottle at [former user#4] ...... ooops 5 words...oh well

[Shatureel]: *Okay now we have gotten of track here, [former user#4] no slitting of the wrist, that is not allowed here. keep with the story line, four words and none in refrence to the ppl on here. And [honey bunny] your five words make up for [former user#4]'s three. I am still the Chancellor here and we want to keep this a friendly place. So please refrain from beating, or cutting or, hurting one another. There is enough to that going on in the world already. Thank you for your time.*

[honey bunny]: *bows head* yes ma'am

[honey bunny]: picks up bottle and

[Shatureel]: dances to the beat..........

[honey bunny]: singing about crazy things

[Shatureel]: of how good life.............

[honey bunny]: can be in the

[Shatureel]: land of the king...........

[honey bunny]: dom of pumpkin land

[Shatureel]: where you can see.........

[honey bunny]: the people all going

[Shatureel]: to the castle for.............

[honey bunny]: they had heard of

[honey bunny]: MESSAGE TO ALL:This place has been going to hell for a while now..not many people are getting involved anymore but the time has come for this queen to take off her mourning clothes, roll up her sleves and get this place back to how it once was. I would like for anyone who wishes to remain involved in this great place to message me by the end of September. If I have not heard from you by then I will figure you are not interested in this place anymore and will release you from your jobs here as others wish to become involved. [Shatureel] will be helping me in this as she is also tired of seeing what has become of this place.

[Shatureel]: the great coming of.............

[honey bunny]: a great man who

[former user#2]: whacks his-self up due....  dom is not a word!

[honey bunny]: his inability to talk......who gives a flying fig

[former user#2]:                        "fig" Jon's favorite fruit

[honey bunny]:      "fig" very good to eat

[DRACE]: O.o

[honey bunny]: since he could not

[Shatureel]: stop the damn bickering..........

[DeeJay™]: all of a sudden . .

[Shatureel]: Silence filled the palace...............

[DeeJay™]: and a small man . .

[Shatureel]: stepped out from the..........

[DeeJay™]: flames playing a small . .

[Shatureel]: harp shaped like a.............

[DeeJay™]: mushroom. *shrugs* :P  he was accompanied . .

[Shatureel]: by several other tiny.........

[DeeJay™]: band members, all playing . .

[Shatureel]: a lively tune from.........

[DeeJay™]: their trumpets. it sounded . .

[honey bunny]: like a irish jig

[DRACE]: played at a blues consert in...

[honey bunny]: the middle of the

[DeeJay™]: north sea, but no-one . .

[Shatureel]: could reach them cause........

[honey bunny]: the waves crashed all

[devilock]: the barges and ships...

[DRACE]: into a giant mashmellow...

[honey bunny]: which bounced them towards

[DeeJay™]: the arctic!! (ooooh) they somehow . .

[Shatureel]: found themselves up in........

[honey bunny]: the top of a

[Shatureel]: ice covered peak and.........

[honey bunny]: and the instruments began

[DRACE]: to play bat out of hell by Meat Loaf...

[Shatureel]: till the wee hours..........       *People stick to 4 words please*

[DeeJay™]: this caused up-roar in . . .    *ok* :)

[Shatureel]: The deep bowls of............

[DeeJay™]: coco pops, as the . .

[Shatureel]: dancers ran around like..........

[DeeJay™]: headless chickens until they . .

[Shatureel]: tripped over there own............

[DeeJay™]: feet! you would have . .

[Shatureel]: laughed but it was..........

[DeeJay™]: kinda painful looking. 'ouch!

[Shatureel]: but they kept on........

[DeeJay™]: regardless. 'the show must . .

[Shatureel]: go on they cried.......

[DeeJay™]: to rapturous applause by . .

[honey bunny]: all the crazy chickens

[DRACE]: who are realy monkeys

[Shatureel]: trying to steal the.........

[honey bunny]: crown from the new

[Shatureel]: born baby who was.............

[DRACE]: a purple people eater...

[honey bunny]: who loved to snack

[DRACE]: on albino rap singers...

[Shatureel]: who could carry no...........

[DRACE]: verbal abuse on air...

[Shatureel]: everytime they tried to.........             I put up a new banner, tell me what you think.

[honey bunny]: a bird would poop.....   love it girl

[DRACE]: on a black car... ( nice banner, its all hippy like lol & cute )

[Shatureel]: that had no buisness........         (cool glad you like and hippy like and cute is cool)

[Shatureel]: Official Notice From Chancellor Shatureel, New addition Pumpkin Land Comments

[Viperess]: being there at that....can anyone join?

[Shatureel]: Yes anyone can join, just send me a pm with a comment

[honey bunny]: time as they were           wow your busy girl

[Shatureel]: ready to make good........         Yes I am very busy.

[DeeJay™]: fellas look like small . .     awesome banner :)

[Shatureel]: frogs in a big.......            Thank you.

[Viperess]: pool of green goop

[Shatureel]: that bubbled over and............

[DRACE]: sprouted golden bat wings...

[DeeJay™]: in order to fly . .

[spectre13]: everybody loves a dungeon keeper... right? *silence*

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